Progress Report, in which I can’t tell if I’m working

Spent the week making more notes for Petra Released.  I’ve taken to carrying my notebook with me to the day job, so that I can jot new ideas as they come to me.  The original tsunami of ideas has subsided for now.  A lot of it was big picture stuff, but now I’m getting into more detailed material, and guess what?  There’s a devil or two in there.

Still, it’s strange, this being in dreamtime.  It doesn’t really feel like work.  Or at least, it hasn’t up to now.  I suppose a few days of knocking my head against a wall might assuage some of the nagging guilt.  On the other hand, experience has taught me to keep up the momentum.  There are other parts of this novel I could be exploring.  I might as well work on them, and trust that the rest will come to me when I need it.

Or as Ray Bradbury once put it, “Throw yourself off a cliff and build your wings on the way down.”  (One of my favorite quotes, this.  You’ll probably hear it from me again sometime.)

In other news, feedback is starting to filter in on the rewrite of Petra.  (Thanks again, Erica!)  I have no idea when I’ll be able to work on a third draft, but I suppose I don’t need to be worrying about that now.  I have a few more readers to go yet.  (No worries if you’re one of them.  I know everyone’s busy.  So am I.)

Write Club updates:

Tier one rejects from Eclipse Two and Heliotrope.  Nice personal note from Fantasy.


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