Progress Report, in which I go mobile

Finished the third draft of Petra last week, and began work on the synopsis.

I might have mentioned that I hate writing synopses.  In fact, I don’t know a single writer who doesn’t.  Nonetheless, it’s a necessary evil.

After a day or two of mostly staring at a blank page, trying to figure out how to condense 80K words into a thousand or so, I decided to just get it down on paper and worry about cutting it afterward.  I had hoped to be done with it by now, but real life intervened, requiring an unplanned road trip yesterday. 

The day wasn’t a complete loss, though.  The wife suggested I try to work on my laptop while she drove.  I had my doubts, as reading in a car gets me motion sick very quickly.  Actually, though, it worked pretty well.  That whole learning how to touch-type thing really came in handy.  I didn’t accomplish as much as I would have sitting at my computer at home, but it was much better than nothing.  Perhaps this was a baby step in the direction of becoming more mobile, more flexible with where I do my writing.  And that’s a good thing.

I’m off work all this week, using up some PTO, so I hope to accomplish many things.  One can dream, right?

No updates for Write Club.

Back to the synopsis . . . 

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