Progress Report, in which I clarify my feelings on synopses

So. Um. Last time out, I had finished the first draft of Wet Work. And that means I have no Magic Meter for y’all this week. Isn’t that weird?

I did, however, do an interesting thing, a first for me: I made a chapter-by-chapter spreadsheet of the novel, which gave me a breakdown of the timeline, what characters were introduced when, and a summary of each chapter. I figured it would help me to write a synopsis, and also give me a better handle on the eventual rewrite. Turned out to be an instructive little exercise. For example, I learned that the entire action of this novel occurs over the span of just a week and a half. Huh. Who knew? Felt like longer than that.

Ooo . . . check me out, gettin’ all organized, and stuff.

And speaking of the synopsis, I did that, too. It’s actually far too early for this, but I needed one for the novel contest thingy I’m doing over on Codex. And it’s good practice. I really hate writing synopses–and I don’t know a single writer who feels otherwise–but I kinda seem to be getting better at it.

Don’t get me wrong: I still hate it. I mean I really hate it. Maybe even worse than the half ton of snow that’s about to get dumped on the city. Hate. A lot. Just so we’re clear on that.

Up next, plowing through my manuscript pile, while at the same time reading the other entries in the novel contest. (This is just for fun, BTW. No big prizes at stake, just bragging rights.)

No updates for Write Club.

I’m out.

(Did I mention the hate?)

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