Progress Report, in which I contemplate the mysteries of the muse

Made notes on the second act of Wet Work last week, filling in more of the roadmap for the rewrite.  The going will be a little trickier than in the first act, but nothing I can’t handle (he said hubristically).  I’m beginning to feel like I can actually do this.  I might even be able to start the rewrite proper this week.  Clutch the pearls. 

Made a fun little discovery along the way.  I was wrangling with a plot problem ably pointed out by one of my beta readers (thanks, David!), and I found the solution in the last place I would think to look–right in front of me.  It just fit perfectly.  It’s one of those little things that others might assume I had planned all along, but which was in reality a happy accident.

Or was it?  (Cue eerie music . . . )

Such are the mysteries of the muse.  Comes with the territory.

Write Club updates:

A tier one bounce from an agent on a novel query, and tier one rejection from Clarkesworld.  Response time on the latter, three days.

Outta here . . .

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