Progress Report, in which I am not miraculous

Managed two chapters and change on Wet Work last week.  I was hoping to finish three, but I suppose I can’t be too upset.  It was certainly an improvement on the previous week.  And the toughest part of this rewrite is now in my rear-view mirror.  There let it remain.  Magic Meter says,

Now I must make a beeline for the finish.  I had hoped to be done by the Fourth of July.  That probably won’t happen unless I have a couple days’ worth of miraculous output.  And you know, I almost never have days of miraculous output.  Just not much miraculous about me, really.

Anyway, here’s a snippet, for your edification:

Teresa nodded again, glanced back at Kaitlin, who stood impassively near the door. Adam stood a few paces in front of her, watching the two of them.

Emily didn’t like the way he studied her–a little too cold, too calculating, not at all the way a friend would react. She’d suspected he’d be like that. She didn’t look forward to talking with him.

Teresa stepped back a pace or two, more composed and calm. "I’m just so relieved, Emily."

"Thanks. And thanks for getting my things." She nodded toward the closet. The knives from Brother Thomas lay in there, hidden in the gym bag. "Now relax. I’m fine, and you have a lot of work to do."

So did Emily, of course–but of a very different nature.

One update for Write Club, this one self-inflicted:  Five months to a non-response from an agent on a novel query.  I’m calling it.

(BTW, these non-responses are becoming quite the norm with agents–a most unwelcome trend.  Just sayin’.)

I’m out.

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