“Doppler Shift” on the Launchpad

The other day I got the contract for Rewrite Project #1, so I guess it’s official, and I should stop being coy about it.  After a few rounds of revisions, I’ve sold my story “Doppler Shift” to Launchpad.  This is an anthology project consisting of stories by attendees of Launch Pad, of which I’m one.

When I first heard about the project, I thought “Doppler Shift” would be perfect for it.  I’m pleased that editors Jody Lynn Nye and Mike Brotherton agree.

I’m also grateful to Mike for his help in resolving some science issues in the story. I did labor to keep the tech as accurate as possible, and Mike’s comments were invaluable in that respect.  Even he did make my brain hurt.

More deets as I get them.

So yay, new sale!

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