Progress Report, in which I venture once more into the undiscovered country

Once again between projects, which means catching up on Writing-Related Program Activities, as Jay would have called them.  First up was getting some novel queries into the world.  No, not for Apocalypse Pictures Presents, but for Wet Work.  Believe it or not, there are still some agents out there who haven’t yet had the privilege of ignoring me.  Well, for some of you in the undiscovered country known as Agentland, that long-awaited moment has come at last.  Enjoy.

Next up, I need to arrange beta readers for Apocalypse Pictures Presents, take care of some overdue correspondence, and then take one more pass at “The Winter Palace.”  I’ve been keen to send that one to market, but just haven’t had the time.

And at some point, I need to figure out what my next novel will be.  A lot of writers will tell you that their heads are full to bursting with story ideas, but mine . . . isn’t.  I figure that I had too much brainspace devoted to APP.  Now that I’ve freed up some room, perhaps the muse might grace me with her presence.

Either that, or I’m completely written out.  What are the odds?

Write Club update:  Since I’m a couple of days late with this report, I might as well mention that one of those agent queries has already been shot down.  Response time, two days.

Hey, it beats getting ignored.  Kinda.

Laterz . . .

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