Progress Report, in which I collapse in a heap

A funny thing happened while I was taking one last pass through “The Winter Palace,” scouring for typos or other infelicities—OSFest 7.

Panels.  Seeing old friends.  Making new ones.  Eating.  Drinking.  Readings.  Making merry.  Staying up way too late.  Getting up way too early.  Even getting interviewed.  (!)  And then collapsing in a heap when it was all over.

In other words, it was a con.

Right.  So now I need to finish up that cleanup draft, and get ready for Loncon 3.  Which, you know, is in London.  Eep!

Write Club update:  A request for a partial from an agent.  Response time, 3 days.  Hmmm . . .

And I’m out.

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