Progress Report, in which I demonstrate my erudition and eloquence

Blah blah new words blah Petra Rising.  Blah blah blah Magic Meter:

Pithy observations on writing blah blah blah.

Blah blah snippet:

Cromberg slammed the door behind him after entering.  “What the hell are you thinking?”

Kane stood at the water pump near his kitchen, working the handle, holding a small bowl beneath the spigot.  He had a washcloth draped over one arm.  The pump took its time drawing water from the well.  The previous night’s fire had taken its toll.  Given Purgatory’s proximity to the river, the well would refill soon enough.  At worst, he had to tolerate making a few extra pumps.  Others on Haven had it much worse.  He’d seen it during his outreach missions to the Bone Tribes.  Nonetheless, the delay annoyed him.  Emma’s words still rang in his head:  We need the Portal.

“Come in,” he said to Cromberg.  “Have a seat.”

Write Club blah:

Tier one blah blah blah Apex, blah 11 days.

Blah snappy signoff line blah.


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